Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shoshanna Love

I know I've mentioned before my love for Shoshanna. This designer has my body shape down to an art. Every piece seems to dart in just so at the waist, hit just so above the knee, cut just so across the top. Crazy over a few of these pieces for spring that could go anywhere from a night out, to a garden party, to an evening summer wedding. A few of my faves on Shopbop (naturally-- being the junkie that I am):
via shopbop here

via shopbop here

via shopbop here

via shopbop here

via shopbop here

Let's clear something up...

With all the national media on the oil tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico, the firm I am with this summer has been working like crazy to infiltrate the media with one little piece of information that I want to share with all of you as well:

Our Beaches are beautiful. Lovely, stunning. The sugar sand is still white as can be beneath my feet and I can see my I'm Indi-a Mood for Love polish on my toes under the crystal clear ocean water. This Memorial Day weekend, our villages are chock full of lovelies here to visit, splash, and play on our lovely beaches. The oil is not here, and its not coming
So go ahead, book your trip, reserve your condo, call me up if you need a place to stay for an unforgettable beach-side hiatus. Because the only oil on these beaches is suntan oil.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Finally Friday

Wishing you all the best of weekends! It's been a week of new for me, but I promise to catch up on stories, ideas, and run-ins after exploring this new beach-side community of mine this weekend, alongside MCK who is here to enjoy her long Memorial Day weekend. Need a vacation? Come visit (in case you missed it, our sweet little summer home here)!  Some link love to strike your fancy:

Just in time for vacation: beach proof beauty tips via Instyle here.
How to dress rich on a real girl salary via Glamour. We can all use these tips.
Meet my friend Mary Glenn at all things joyful!

Also, are you loving the new look? I know I am. Thanks Simply Yours Designs for the great template!
xoxo A.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finds from the Road

Remember that little road trip I told you about? Well, check out what I found along the way.

Just your average neautral sofa, right?

It's has tiny metallic threading intertwined throughout. And yes, that is studded trim along the top. J'adore, et toi?

 The velvet of these high-back chairs was so plush that it completely overshadowed the lack-of-an-armrest issue. I can practically hear them screaming chic.

My favorite find: look how deep this sofa is. Can't you see yourself drifting off to nap after afternoon nap on this little piece of love? I can. It like a not-quite daybed disguised as a couch.

Now, seeing as how all these pieces are a pretty penny, who has a get-rich-quick scheme for me to partake in to furnish my new home?


Don't think I will ever outgrow my love for bombshell hair and liquid liner (now the Cleopatra-eye trend, perhaps).

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Graduation Recap

If you check in with me regularly, you know that my college graduation was quite the event for me (and perhaps one of the more emotional events in my life thus far). Who knew the day would actually come when I had to pack up my bags solo, move away from my soulmates, and experience life not as part of a group of twenty? And as my SATC-style friend group seems to keep my heart beating, it has been a whirlwind of trial and error to keep the summer heat from turning into the blues of being away from my girls. Constantly on my mind, there is not a day that I wake up that their sweet souls don't continue to influence me in my habits and routines. And looking back now, graduation day was truly the moment in time we realized we had to act as individuals and not a single unit- individuals that are each fabulously, charmingly, preciously, wonderfully, spontaneously headed towards lives of such sparkle and pizazz that all the world should turn their eyes to watch.

A few things...

First and foremost, pardon our mess. From Ainsley, with love is getting a makeover and the html is taking a bit of time. So, expect to see some changes in the next few days, and be warned that all may not be neat and tidy on the road to a new look.

Speaking of makeover, I'm cursed. Haven't I told you? Yes, I'm currently cursed with summer hair. I thought the Mississippi humidity a pain, but this beach sea-air is making waves in my otherwise long straight dark locks. So, in search for a day-to-night, from work-to-play 'do, I found these braid variations at Instyle (obviously) that I'm eager to take for a trial spin. Observe:
a side french: instructions here

a double twist french: instructions here

an angled french: instructions here

Lastly, I told myself I would refrain from blogging about SATC 2 again, but I pinkie promise its my last time to shed light on the famous foursome (I'll be otherwise detained preparing for my own personal premier of the movie this week- yes, I am absolutely one of those). However, this little article here at Instyle tracks Carrie from the very first season to the very last. For all you students of style out there, take note of the classics at they emerge.

Home Sweet Summer

Here we are! After unpacking, unloading, organizing, sorting, and unwinding with a bottle of wine, we are finally settled into our sweet little home on Florida's 30A! As promised, some pictures for you:
Don't you love it? We sure do. Nestled back behind azaleas and shady trees, it is the perfect summer retreat for us sun-loving post-grads (Don't worry, its deceitfully larger on the inside).
Come through the front door and see our living room, with floor to ceiling windows that let the sun shine through perfectly every morning over a cup of coffee.

The den opens into a wonderful airy, open kitchen that overlooks the dining space. Perfect for summer dinners over bottles of wine after a long day at work.

Due to the clothes and toiletries explosion that errupted in all our bedrooms and bathrooms, I'll have to withold those pictures from you until the storm passes. However, I will let you see our screened in back porch that overlooks our back patio, complete with an outside shower.
So there you go, your own little personal tour. We're so excited to be here- the sun is shining, our tan has already started, and I begin work tomorrow. So, stay tuned for those stories tomorrow evening.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Off Off and Away

Farewell for the weekend, friends, as I pack up the car to make the trek down to the Emerald Coast for a summer escape. Wishing you all the best of weekends. Stay tuned- Monday I'll be checking in from our quaint beach cottage! xoxo

Thursday, May 20, 2010


"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give away your gift."

- David Viscott

No matter your gift, whether big or small, straight-laced or smart, creative, mundane, professional, eye-opening, praiseworthy or promising, whatever your gift is, explore it. He has intricately planned for us all such a life of possibilities that we need only trust and search for them through Him to be unveiled. Discover and give.  Surrender to explore, dare to question yourself, and watch as your future unfolds-- this is my challenge for us all. Start by reading this piece of inspiration via MCK at lilies and sparrows.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Inspiration: Shades of Gray

Simply smitten over shades of gray these days and I find myself being drawn to its silvery hue on many occasions. Its such a nice neutral ground in the middle of not having to choose between strictly black or white- kind of like a "how do you see your world?" question hanging in the air. And, side note, how fabulous are the mismatched silver patterns above? That's sure to make a dinner table a little more interesting. Maybe I need to go antiquing soon...

A special shout out for Mary Catherine who finished her first day at Capitol Records today- she's changing the world one press kit at a time. xoxo

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer Dinners

Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Thought so. Chalk board place mats that add a certain elementary school charm to an otherwise grown-up event- loving the idea for a casual summer get-together. These mats come with four pieces of chalk and an eraser each. No need for place setting cards or conversation starters because all you need are a few pieces of chalk to display beside each plate to get the ball rolling. Added plus-clearing the table is actually entertaining while being able to see your guests doodles and comments. I might pluck a Gerber daisy amidst those chalk pieces to bring a little color to the table.  And speaking of color-

With their bright retro casings, a line of Izzie sodas amidst bright blooms can serve as the table's centerpiece, keeping your theme light, bright, and fun, while giving guests another drink option and a cheery outlook. Serve up for summer!
Chalkboard place mats here and Izzie soda here.

SATC alert

So this evening, during my daily peruse of InStyle online, what should I come across?

Yep, that's right. A quiz that puts you packaged neatly and tied up in a bow into the style category of one of our favorite four fashionista darlings. Naturally, I was left clicking before my brain actually sent the message to my fingers. My friends and I have an ongoing joke of which of the dream team we'd portray in real life, and this was my chance to have InStyle give me my answer. Would I be fun and flirty Carrie (fingers crossed), sexy Samantha (wide-eyes), classy Charlotte, or... um.... Miranda (come on, you know you think that, too).  Turns out, I could have predicted my answer.

Your style is classic and pretty like...

Charlotte York-Goldenblatt 

Demure and feminine, your style twin is Charlotte York-Goldenblatt, the consummate Park Avenue princess. Your closet is full of florals, ruffles, delicate heels and a rainbow of preppy polo shirts. You favor country club separates on the weekend and elegance for evening. Never one to reveal too much, your idea of sexy is a bare shoulder and a hint of toe cleavage.

So I don't hate it. Now run along girls, I dare you not to give it a go yourself here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

From the Road

Hello from the road, and I hope all you lovelies reading have had a fabulous weekend. Summer is creeping up on us all, and that is one thing I have been constantly reminded of as I've traveled and vacationed this week. The bathing suits start peeking out, hemlines rise with the temperature, and the Sun pushes the clouds away. Summer has always been a hiatus for me- trying new things, new places, new habits and new people. I look forward to Summer like I look forward to seeing an old friend that will envelope me in such a familiar hug that I'm never quite ready when the time comes to let go (shout out MCK- missing you). Now, if you know me, you know I'm notorious for my lists. I have a whole little pink leather pocket notebook filled with lists: Walgreens lists, bucket lists, shopping lists, to-do lists. My lists keep my life in order (and yes, I am vaguely aware how OCD that sounds, but to each his own, right?) So naturally, while in the car staring out at the Welcome to Knoxville signs (because that's where I am today), I made a lists of the things I am so looking forward to about this particular summer, and a few things I want to do along the way.

1. The Big Move: 30A here we come! I can't wait to drive that overpacked Mercedes up our soon to be new driveway and crack open a bottle of champagne on the porch of our own little beach cottage on the Emerald Coast. Naturally, I'll be taking lots of pictures of our summer escape and filling you in (almost annoyingly ) of our summer adventures- because with Layne, Haley, Dana, and Michelle, there are absolutely positively going to be stories that keep us in stitches for weeks to come!

2. My Best Friends' Wedding: Not the movie, the actual event. Thinking of Rachel and Masey floating down the aisles in their dream gowns up to the man of their dreams already has me in chill bumps. And although their husbands are more than deserving, I'm sure to be an emotional wreck as two of my own are taken from single-girl city to matrimonial bliss. Be expecting a few posts dedicated to theses girls, and even more about the big event itself. It's going to be a real-life Party in the USA video (minus Miley, thank goodness).
3. Beach Chic: I know, I know, not a monumental event or exciting plan, but my favorite thing about summer is the attire. Preppy casual, always a sundress, big prints and cutouts with even bigger beach totes and beach waves. Beach beach beach for me. Will my new summer salary burn a whole in my pocket? I'll keep you posted.
4. Summer Skin: While I am an avid believer in SPF 30+ (and you should be, too), I love the dewy, golden summer skin that comes in June.  It practically welcomes a minimal makeup approach to your evenings out, and a tan takes white attire to a whole new level.
5. My Birthday: I'm not going to go into detail (because really, who doesn't love their birthday?), but its June the 18th just in case you were wondering.
6. Welcoming the New: Although my summers have always been a hiatus from the real world, they have also been a time of transition in welcoming the new- and this year, that especially applies to me. Graduate school, a new job, a new house with new roommates- although its still the same town, this new Oxford is going to bring me such change and transition in August that I'm going to need the summer to let it all sink in before I get there. The hesitations in my heart will undoubtedly turn into expectations and excitement for a new year ahead after they have all been through my summer sifter.
7. Decorating: A new house means new decor and new design! That in itself has such a wonderful ring to it, and I am so looking forward to scouring Ikat pillows, window treatments, and DIY wall art ideas in preparation for our move-in August date. If you're lucky, I'll write a few how-to ideas in the making decor category as I get to work! So, be nice.
8. Learning a Little Bit: With a new job in a new city, I'm bound to learn so much that my head may not even hold it all.  I anticipate the new set of refined skills that I will take away from this PR/Marketing/Magazine position I'll be working in to help make my future a little more clear. But I can't wait to learn the little things as well. Like how to balance a beach bag on your bike while reading to the beach. Or how to become a local instead of a summer tourist. Or how to maybe wake up in time for a sunrise on the beach a time or to. Don't worry, I'll be too excited to keep these things to myself, so of course I'll share here.
While my actual list is a little longer, these are the big ones that I had time to write about. Additions will be made to this list and I'm sure I will write as I check each one off, documenting and describing everything I encounter.What are you excited for this summer?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I'll be hitting the road tomorrow for a quick vacation, and making quite a few stops to explore along the way. Unfortunately for me, I strongly dislike long car rides. The open road does nothing for me, and I'll be the first to say that my attitude after I finish the last page of one of fifty thousand magazines I bring along for the ride is none to pleasant until our destination is in sight. However, I'm really going to focus on this trip to gain some much-needed patience and learn how to not rush my destination so quickly (crossing my fingers that I remember this after five hours in the car). I'll be documenting along the way and keep you posted with anything delightfully entertaining that may happen along the way (no promises for me posing in a marching band hat or riding atop convertible against the desert sky.)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Coastal Dreams

If I haven't mentioned before, I'm spending my long dog days of summer on the Emerald Coast working at the most fabulous marketing firm and magazine that you can see both here and here. And since I'm in need of a major distraction in these early days following graduation, naturally I turn my attention to style. I'll be moving to a new place in August, and am really hoping to incorporate the relaxed, tranquil feeling of beach decor into my new home. Simple, understated, with just the right amount of light colors and breezy fabrics- sure I may not have the ocean in my backyard year-round, but having it there for June and July is sure to give me great inspiration for some decorating ideas upon my arrival back to Mississippi. After avidly stalking Coastal Living this evening, I've come upon some rooms I'm really coveting already:
I'm loving the color-scheme surrounding the couch here. Sign me up. Plus, how plush do those floor pillows look when there isn't quite enough seating room for all the company?

The headboard, the linens, the curtains, the statement rug- although I could do without the wood-paneled walls in favor of something white-washed, this room is both airy and fabulously modern.

White and light and airy and also with a canopy? Oh my, wrap it up and give it to me for my birthday with a few monogrammed pillows.

While I'm pretty sure we won't be decorating a bunk room next year, I do love the color scheme and softness this room exudes.

I love a chaise as much as a canopy. 

A blend of cane chairs and luxuries drapes is absolutely tasteful.
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