Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer Dinners

Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Thought so. Chalk board place mats that add a certain elementary school charm to an otherwise grown-up event- loving the idea for a casual summer get-together. These mats come with four pieces of chalk and an eraser each. No need for place setting cards or conversation starters because all you need are a few pieces of chalk to display beside each plate to get the ball rolling. Added plus-clearing the table is actually entertaining while being able to see your guests doodles and comments. I might pluck a Gerber daisy amidst those chalk pieces to bring a little color to the table.  And speaking of color-

With their bright retro casings, a line of Izzie sodas amidst bright blooms can serve as the table's centerpiece, keeping your theme light, bright, and fun, while giving guests another drink option and a cheery outlook. Serve up for summer!
Chalkboard place mats here and Izzie soda here.


Jeri Anne said...

Oh my, what a fabulous idea!

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