Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Mantra + A Thought

Ah, Monday. I'm slightly sad to see this day return, because my weekend was just fab.u.lous. No grande events, nothing so special that took place—but nonetheless, oh so good, filled with sweet reunions, lots of movie watching, catching up on a little reading, and intimate time spent with friends. My dear Kristie was in town, wedding planning and such—what a humbling experience to watch as this precious friend plans her life with her future hubs, while memories of sharing endless boxes of jelly beans with her in our freshman dorm and making up dance moves to the most ridiculous of songs flit around as I watch the wife-to-be simply glow.
God is so good.
My appreciation for this simple kind of weekend got me thinking about memories: aren't those the best memories, the ones that happen unexpectedly without assumption? The last-minute road trip, the impromptu dance party, laughing so hard your stomach hurts or that one really deep conversation that connects you with a friend. They are for me. So in that fashion, this week's mantra:
Enjoy the little things, and make the most of this week!
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