(photo credits to this is glamorous)
Loving the chic minimalism of these outfits. Creams and caramels and high waists and belts make for the perfect fall ensemble. Which brings me to...
The time is practically here to bid farewell to our long hot summer. (we Mississippi girls know that Labor Day is the true foreteller of summer days are gone).
It's feels like an odd situation today, September 1, to know whether I welcome fall or mourn summer's absence more. Where summer has the hot enfolding heat, fall is crisp and cool. Where summer is bright sun and clear skies, fall is shorter days with electric nights. Where summer is 'how much can I get off", fall is "what can I layer". Where summer is a sense of adventure, fall is a sense of comfort. But a few things are for sure. With fall comes progress, new times for togetherness, new things to do and see and be.
Happy Fall.
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