Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy {Birthday} Friday

Sending a huge, sparkly, covered-in-love Happy Birthday shout out to the best little sis in town on her 23rd today!
Ann-Hayden was my PIC growing up. People often confused us for twins (even though I was clearly the older one—don't forget it sis), and if I tried to list everything I love about this little gem it would be the never-ending story. Total opposites in all the best ways but alike where it matters most, I'm prouder every day of the lovely and graceful woman she is becoming.
For most of my life, the month and a half that interferes with us being precisely two years apart has been my most-hated time of the year. Pulling the "But I'm older" card was slightly trickier as little sis always retorted, "not that much older" for the short amount of time we were technically only a year apart in age.
But guess what sis? As we continue to tack on the years, I'm juuuuuuust fine with only being a year older than you.
Happy Birthday Ann-Hayden! And sending everyone else wishes for a lovely weekend!


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