Monday, April 18, 2011

Summer Book Club

In the life of a graduate student, we've reached the time where finals loom near, twenty page research papers are assigned, study guides are compiled, and endless chapters of reading and research hog all your conscious hours.... on top of the ever-looming deadline of a summer thesis defense date. Sounds light-hearted and cheery, huh?
Yeah, that's what I thought. I will not complain, I will not complain, I will not complain.
So in order to escape the mind-blowing overwhelming stress of it all, I tend to focus on the things I'll be able to do come July, when this master's degree is just a (not-so-distant) memory.
Number one, of which, is to lay on the couch/beach/front porch swing with a deliciously light-hearted, uplifting novel. My picks I've bookmarked as I've been perusing:

1. The Secret Life of Dresses: Dear friend over at Lilies and Sparrows told me about this book (actually I'm not sure if she told me about it, or I just gathered she was reading it. Either way, I trust her taste), and I've been waiting for just a few extra free seconds to be able to dive into it. A few things that should sell you: It's written by a blogger, it's about vintage fashion, and it also contains all the frivolities of love. Sold, sold, and sold.
2. Fool For Love: F. Scott Fitzgerald: It's not secret that I'm a huge fan of the Fitzgerald classics. And we all know about the ridiculously whimsical, fantastic, and spontaneous love story of the Fitzgeralds. This non-fiction book takes a closer look into the relationships surrounding the acclaimed author, giving the reader a closer peek at his frivolous life. I also wouldn't mind this classic and this classic, seeing as to how beautiful they would look on a bookshelf. (cough, Mom)
3. A Woman and Her God: A compilation of essays from a myriad of renowned female Christian writers, this book is a melting pot of of the wisdom the authors have gained over years and years of studying the Bible and guides the reader in realizing the plan God has intended.
4. The Weird Sisters: Three quirky sisters reunite in their small hometown as their mother becomes ill, reconnecting after years of living across the country. Each with dominant and different personalities, their unique perspectives on life combine to show the special and enduring relationships siblings have with one another (shout out to all of mine).
So, have you read any of these? Heard anything about them? You gave such great feedback last time I made my book list for spring (which, by the way, I loved all of them).  Let me know what you think!

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