This morning:
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven" Matthew 7:21Weaver basically looked at me and said, "Ainsley, we can't just call ourselves followers, we must live like them as well". Interesting concept, but not a new one. I'm not sure about you, but how often do I become so absorbed in my responsibilities and obligations to where I forget where this journey I'm on is taking me and Who it is really all for? Pretty often. Pretty daily. As Weaver describes me, and others like me, I'm a tree that is alive and growing fine in the orchard. The leaves are here, the blooms are plenty. But thriving I am not, for the fruit I produce is not as it should be, not as I should bear daily. The fruit of my lips, the fruit of my deeds, the fruit of my attitudes, the fruit of my life- substance enough and reason enough to continue striving daily to put down the planner and get back to the basics.
I'm not sure about you, but a good reminder for me.
So here's to wishing you a fabulously happy Monday, and week at that, hopefully filled with enriching opportunities, grace, and so much love you don't know what to do with yourselves. Let's all discard a little bit of our to-do lists, shall we?
I just made an October resultion to cross everything off my to-do list everyday, WOW time to re-focus! You are totally right! I was listening to a podcast this morning while running from Matt Carter about the same thing. Thanks for posting this :)
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