Those who complain about Peter Pan syndrome clearly were never diagnosed. Which is reasonable to assume, of course, because the situation in which the syndrome is obtained has clear definitions: resistance to change, optimum contentment with one's life, phenomenal amounts of loved ones,clear definition of happiness, unprepared for stress-inducing situations, a longing for time to stand still- all of which are guaranteed to produce a sense of lethargy when looking back at the point in time when the syndrome was diagnosed.
Is it a fear of the future? No. Those with Peter Pan Syndrome know that their future holds great, magnificent opportunities- opportunities that will turn into successes, and successes that are not achieved without hard work, commitment, and sacrifice. It is not a fear, but a wish that the time when stresses are few and troubles are minimal will extend, that the time for sacrifices can keep being said to arrive tomorrow. Is Peter Pan Syndrome a lazy attitude? Absolutely not. It is the condition obtained when said individual wishes for just a moment more in time, a pause in the hourglass, a sci-fi event that causes all time to freeze but people to keep on living. Is it a fear of change? No, simply a resistance. A desire to keep the people who have molded one into the individual they are now close, a desire to keep the currently normality, a desire to keep experiencing the bliss of youth. The fear, perhaps, of a time when life is lacking the value and expression of those qualities which form the characteristics of youth.
Peter Pan Syndrome is for the young and young at heart alike. When treated correctly, the syndrome will result in change- change that keeps a commitment to the past, the people of it, the self they were then, and the passions and dreams cultivated at that time. A nurtured Peter Pan Syndrome always produces happiness, joy, a dazzling personality, and daily bliss. So nurture the syndrome. Nurture it close to your heart. Keep your face to the sun. Sing loud, dance strong. Hold hands and wear heels. Always love, then love harder. Keep the truth. Treasure your friends- and tell them. Dip, spin, and dazzle. Laugh loudly, requests song. Toast and pray.
" I am youth, I am joy"Peter Pan
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